Chem 14D Ringtones

Chem 14D students have made nearly 100 ringtones to-date, which focus on substitution and elimination reactions. Some of our favorites are featured below.

Feel free to download some of your favorites!

‘Still Chemin’
Firuz and Aaron
‘All I Do is Substitute’
Gabrielle, Jenan, and Sam
‘Elimination Reactions’
‘The One that Got Away’
Christine and Rebecca
‘The Solvent Attack’
Nishil, Neda, and Tianna
‘NBD (no big deal) Feat. Lfeatherz’
Justin, Han, and Peter
‘It’s the OChem Life’
Kush and Vu
‘Suite and Tie Remix’
Andy and Michael
‘So Fresh, It’s Organic’
Elias and Aria
‘Errybody Doin’ O-Chem’
Amir and Simon
‘Chemistry Reactions’
Catherine, Anuved, and Rebecca