Music Video Hall of Fame
Chem 14D (2010-2015)
More than 1200 students in Neil’s Chem 14D course have worked together to produce more than 500 music videos about organic chemistry! These have collectively been viewed hundreds of thousands of times around the world. Check out some of our favorites below.

@ TEDxUCLA (2015)
Highlight Reel of the UCLA Chem 14D
Organic Chemistry Music Video Project

Lawrence Madella
Earl Sy
Samantha David
(RLC Productions, ft Czarina De Jesus)

Winston Chang
Justin Kim
Penelope Kim-Lim
Pope Rodnoi
(RLC Productions, ft Czarina De Jesus)

@ TEDxUCLA (2015)
Highlight Reel of the UCLA Chem 14D
Organic Chemistry Music Video Project